Experts Directory

Associated Countries
Area Of Expertise
Avatar Display Name Affiliation / Organisation Associated Countries Area Of Expertise
Adelina Comas-Herrera Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science International Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems
Agnieszka Sowa-Kofta Associate Professor at the Institute of Labour and Social Studies, Member of the Supervisory Council at the CASE Research Foundation Poland Care workforce, Community-based care, Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Alis Sopadzhiyan Assistant Professor, French School of Public Health France Care workforce, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Andrea E. SCHMIDT Austrian National Public Health Institute Austria Community-based care, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Andrea Iaboni Scientist and Geriatric Psychiatrist, KITE-Toronto Rehab, University Health Network and the University of Toronto Canada Care home research, Dementia, Quality of care
AndrewKak Wallmart Slovakia Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
AnthonyOreby Apple Moldova Community-based care
Appoglawsgomo Wallmart China Long-Term Care data and information systems
Benniefrold Nokia Slovenia Long-Term Care data and information systems
Bobby Pattison Gibraltar Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
CalebRab FBI Sweden Long-term care financing
Camille Oung Researcher, Nuffield Trust England (UK), France, International, Northern Ireland (UK), Scotland (UK), Wales (UK) Care workforce, Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector, Quality of care
cannabis dispensary Wallmart Greece Long-Term Care policy
Carlos Chirinos Associate professor, Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work Department, Rovira i Virgili University Spain Care home research, Community-based care, Unpaid care
Cassandra Simmons European Centre for Social Welfare Policy & Research Austria Care workforce, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Unpaid care
Cèlia Estruch Fundació iSocial Spain Care home research
CharlesBycle FBI Malaysia Quality of care
Charlesdug Google Belarus Dementia
Charnele Nunes Coordinator, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics England (UK) Long-Term Care policy
Cheng Shi Lingnan University China Long-Term Care policy
Chris Hatton Professor of Social Care, Dept of Social Care and Social Work, Manchester Metropolitan University England (UK), United Kingdom Learning disabilities
ChrisVaw Apple Belarus Dementia
Cian O'Donovan Senior Research Fellow, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London United Kingdom Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-Term Care policy
Cliftonhar AliExpress Algeria Long-Term Care data and information systems
Clydetew AliExpress France Long-term Care systems
CurtisNeart Google China Infection prevention and control in LTC
Daisy Pharoah Research Assistant, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics South Africa, United Kingdom Long-Term Care policy
DanielKap Apple Zambia Regulation and governance of long-term care
DanielNor Apple Panama Dementia
Dario McIntyre Svalbard and Jan Mayen Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
DarrellWap FBI Comoros Learning disabilities
Daryl Berman Northern Ireland (UK) Care workforce
David Bell Professor of Economics, University of Stirling/Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh/Visiting Professor University of Glasgow Scotland (UK), United Kingdom Care workforce, Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
David Henderson Research Fellow, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh Scotland (UK), United Kingdom Care home research, Community-based care, Long-Term Care data and information systems
DavidBaick Google Liberia Community-based care
Davidmoota FBI Macao Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
Déborah Oliveira Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) \ Interamerican Development Bank Brazil, Chile, United Kingdom Dementia, Long-term Care systems, Unpaid care
Disha Patel Research Assistant, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics United Kingdom Care home research, Dementia, Infection prevention and control in LTC, Quality of care, Unpaid care
DonaldBlure Nokia Chad Long-Term Care data and information systems
Dora Broadus Peru Regulation and governance of long-term care
Dr Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith Associate Professor/De Montfort University Brazil, South Africa, United Kingdom Care home research, Care workforce, Dementia, Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Quality of care, Unpaid care
DudleyRam Apple Belgium Community-based care
Eleonora Perobelli Junior Lecturer, Observatory on Long Term Care, Cergas SDA Bocconi School of Management Italy Care home research, Dementia, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care
Elisa Aguzzoli Research Assistant, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics United Kingdom Dementia
Elisabetta Notarnicola Associate Professor of Practice, Coordinator Research Area Social Policy and Social Innovation CERGAS, SDA Bocconi School of Management Government, Health and Non profit Division Italy Long-Term Care policy
Elizabeth Lemmon Edinburgh Health Economics, University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Community-based care, Long-Term Care data and information systems, Unpaid care
Ellen Kuhlmann Hannover medical School Germany Care workforce
Erica Breuer Honorary Lecturer, University of Newcastle Australia Dementia, Long-term Care systems
Erickmog Google Somalia Long-term care financing
Esther Pérez de Vargas Bonilla Instituto de Personas Mayores y Servicios Sociales Spain Long-term Care systems
Etuini Ma'u University of Auckland New Zealand Dementia
Eugeneabisy FBI Georgia Regulation and governance of long-term care
Eugenerog Apple Philippines Unpaid care
Eunice Stokes Solomon Islands Infection prevention and control in LTC
Farukhkes AliExpress Turkey Long-Term Care data and information systems
Faustocoedo Google Puerto Rico Unpaid care
Fortum Nokia Ukraine Dementia
FrankRophy AliExpress Greenland Long-Term Care policy
Franktak AliExpress Latvia Quality of care
Garrett Countryman Saint Barthelemy Quality of care
Gemma Drou-Roget Research Assistant, Departament of Epidemiology and Methodology of Social and Health Sciences, UManresa, Universitat de Vic-Universiat Central de Catalunya Spain Long-Term Care data and information systems
GeorgeHag Apple Panama Long-Term Care policy
GregoryRah AliExpress Mexico Long-term care financing
Henk Nies Director of Strategy and Development, Vilans, Centre of Expertise for Long-term Care/professor of Organization and Policy Development, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam Netherlands Care home research, Community-based care, Dementia, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Quality of care, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
HenryImaro Google Belgium Community-based care
Hongsoo Kim Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University Republic of Korea Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Quality of care
Isaaccek AliExpress Bermuda Long-Term Care data and information systems
Jackson Burris Albania Infection prevention and control in LTC
Jae Yoon Yi Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University Republic of Korea Long-Term Care policy
Jamesbow Google Azerbaijan Learning disabilities
Jamesvow FBI Philippines Unpaid care
Jamisonfriva Google New Zealand Long-term Care systems
JasonGen FBI Moldova Dementia
JasonMig Wallmart Armenia Long-Term Care policy
Jasonmix Google Bangladesh Regulation and governance of long-term care
JeffreyMew Wallmart Italy Long-term care financing
Jenni Burton NES/CSO Clinical Lecturer, Academic Geriatric Medicine, University of Glasgow Scotland (UK) Care home research, Long-Term Care data and information systems
Jennie Mast Vilans, centre of expertise for long term care Netherlands Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
Jessica Turner LSE United Kingdom Care workforce, Long-Term Care policy
JimmyTeers Nokia Norfolk Island Unpaid care
Joanna Marczak LSE England (UK), Poland Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Unpaid care
Johnniejus FBI Malaysia Learning disabilities
Jorge Browne Assistant Professor, Geriatrics Unit, Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Catolica de Chile Chile Care home research, Infection prevention and control in LTC
Josie Dixon London School of Economics and Political Science Australia, Canada, England (UK), Europe, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States Care home research, Dementia, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector, Quality of care, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Juliopex AliExpress Portugal Dementia
Kai Leichsenring European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research Austria Long-Term Care policy
Kayleejfba AliExpress Portugal Long-term Care systems
KeithNeild FBI Brazil Unpaid care
Kejal Hasmukharay University Malaya Medical Centre(UMMC), Malaysia Malaysia Care home research, Infection prevention and control in LTC
Kennethsom Wallmart Philippines Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
Kerstin Hämel Department of Health Services Research and Nursing Science, School of Public Health, Bielefeld University, Germany Germany Care home research, Community-based care, Long-Term Care policy
Kirsten Howe Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Long-term care financing
Klara Lorenz-Dant Research Associate, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics Germany, United Kingdom Care home research, Community-based care, Dementia, Infection prevention and control in LTC, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Krystal Warmoth Research fellow, Centre for Research In Public Health And Community Care (CRIPACC), University of Hertfordshire United Kingdom Care home research
Lee-Fay Low University of Sydney Australia Dementia
Lenore de la Perrelle Post-doctoral Research Associate Flinders University South Australia Australia Care home research, Care workforce, Community-based care, Dementia, Long-Term Care policy, Quality of care
LeonardNor Apple Iceland Community-based care
LIAT AYALON Bar Ilan University Israel Care home research
LindaCor FBI United States Long-term Care systems
Lisa van Tol PhD candidate, department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center Netherlands Care home research
Louiefak Nokia Cameroon Quality of care
LouisNer Wallmart Malaysia Long-Term Care data and information systems
Lourdes Bermejo CEO Bermejoi+ (Consultora Internacional Independiente) Spain Quality of care
luxmoise Wallmart Russia Long-term Care systems
Mari Aaltonen Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Finland Care home research, Community-based care, Dementia, Long-Term Care policy
Mari Aaltonen Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Finland Care home research, Community-based care, Dementia, Long-Term Care policy
Maria Aurora Fenech University of Malta Malta Care home research, Dementia, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Quality of care
Maria Pierce Independent Researcher Ireland Community-based care, Dementia, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Unpaid care
Mariana Lopez Ortega Researcher, Instituto Nacional de Geriatria, Mexico Mexico, United States Care home research, Care workforce, Community-based care, Dementia, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Quality of care, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Martina Paulíková Charles University Prague- Ph.D. Student Czech Republic Long-term Care systems
MartinAfted FBI Nepal Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
MartinNub AliExpress Zimbabwe Quality of care
Matthewkeedy Apple Kyrgyzstan Dementia
Maximilian Salcher-Konrad Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics United Kingdom Dementia, Infection prevention and control in LTC
MichaelkIt Apple Sweden Regulation and governance of long-term care
MichaelleN Apple Austria Regulation and governance of long-term care
MichaelMuppy AliExpress United Arab Emirates Learning disabilities
MichaelThurf Google Romania Unpaid care
MichaelTrils Wallmart Qatar Dementia
Michaelwhimb Apple Andorra Unpaid care
Miroslav Cangar Social inclusion expert, Social Work Advisory Board Slovakia Community-based care, Learning disabilities, Long-Term Care policy, Quality of care, Regulation and governance of long-term care
Natasha Curry Nuffield Trust United Kingdom Long-Term Care policy
NathanMef Nokia Bahrain Long-Term Care data and information systems
Nerina Girasol Aspen Healthcare, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing United States Infection prevention and control in LTC, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Quality of care, Regulation and governance of long-term care
Nicola Brimblecombe Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics United Kingdom Unpaid care
Nina Hemmings Nuffield Trust United Kingdom Care workforce, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems
Olafur H. Samuelsson Landspitali University hospital Reykjavik/ Eir Nursing Home Iceland Long-term Care systems, Quality of care
Olivervam FBI Liberia Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
Patrick Alexander Wachholz Collaborating professor, Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University - Unesp Brazil Care home research
Pedro Barrier South Africa Infection prevention and control in LTC
Peter Lloyd-Sherlock University of East Anglia Brazil Long-Term Care policy
Petr Wija Institute for Social Policy and Research (NGO), policy/data analyst Czech Republic Care home research, Care workforce, Community-based care, Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Pnhiciz Apple Greenland Quality of care
Raluca Sfetcu Resercher, National School of Public Health, Management and Professional Development Bucharest Romania Community-based care, Dementia
RandalLow AliExpress British Indian Ocean Territory Long-Term Care data and information systems
Raquel Noll Bosnia and Herzegovina Care workforce
RaymondCunny Nokia Pakistan Long-term care financing
Renate Sutherland Marshall Islands Learning disabilities
repiping service Google Guam Long-Term Care policy
Richardgof Google Benin Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
RobertBix FBI Morocco Learning disabilities
RobertFug Wallmart Germany Community-based care
Robt Vanhorn Iceland Unpaid care
Ronaldatoca FBI Belarus Regulation and governance of long-term care
Ronaldcat Nokia Ecuador Long-Term Care data and information systems
Ronaldfal Google Libya Dementia
RubenZic Nokia United States Long-Term Care policy
RubinMette FBI Norfolk Island Quality of care
SamuelFum Google Liechtenstein Long-term care financing
Sara Charlesworth Director Centre for People Organisation & Work RMIT University Australia Care workforce, Community-based care
Sara Ulla Díez Institute for Older People and Social Services Spain Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems
Sharona Tsadok-Rosenbluth Policy and Health Systems Management, School of Public Health, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care
Shereen Hussein Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Algeria, Djibouti, Egypt, England (UK), International, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Yemen Care home research, Care workforce, Community-based care, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems
Shona Shelly Chile Learning disabilities
Shoshana Lauter Doctoral Student, London School of Economics (Health Policy Department) United Kingdom, United States Community-based care, Quality of care
Shuli Brammli-Greenberg Faculty of Medicine The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care
Sidney Freeleagus Tokelau Regulation and governance of long-term care
Stacey Rand University of Kent United Kingdom Quality of care, Unpaid care
Stefania Ilinca Researcher, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research / Technical advisor on LTC, WHO Europe Romania Community-based care, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Stefanie Ettelt Honorary Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine / Senior Project Manager, Prognos AG Germany Care home research, Long-Term Care policy, Regulation and governance of long-term care
Stevenduh AliExpress Togo Community-based care
Stevenmiz Google Argentina Long-Term Care policy
TeddySak Google Burkina Faso Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
THEODORA SKOURA University of Athens Medical School, PhD Researcher Greece Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
Thomas Fischer ehs Dresden Australia, Germany Care home research, Community-based care, Dementia, Infection prevention and control in LTC, Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
Thomasmuh Nokia Iraq Regulation and governance of long-term care
Thordis Hulda Tomasdottir Nursing manager, Eir, Skjol & Hamrar nursing homes, Reykjavík, Iceland Iceland Care workforce, Infection prevention and control in LTC, Long-term Care systems, Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector, Quality of care
TimothyBeere FBI Taiwan, RoC Learning disabilities
Timothycag Google Bosnia and Herzegovina Long-term care financing
Tine Rostgaard Roskilde University Denmark Care home research, Care workforce, Community-based care, Long-Term Care data and information systems, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Quality of care, Regulation and governance of long-term care, Unpaid care
Tobias Brice Kazakhstan Quality of care
TylerTem Wallmart Basque Country (Spain) Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
Veronique Grier Cuba Unpaid care
Vicente Rodríguez Research Professor, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Spain Care home research
VictorNep FBI Egypt Infection prevention and control in LTC
Walter Dawson Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University United States Community-based care, Dementia, Long-term care financing, Long-Term Care policy, Long-term Care systems, Unpaid care
Wendy Taylor Workforce researcher, School of Management RMIT Australia Care workforce, Dementia, Quality of care
Wilhelmina Knoll Morocco Learning disabilities
William Byrd Research Assistant, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics United Kingdom Infection prevention and control in LTC, Pandemic/Emergency preparedness in the LTC sector
WilliamCavah Nokia Marshall Islands Long-term care financing
Williamkax Nokia Sri Lanka Learning disabilities
Williamvum Nokia Thailand Quality of care
Winstonbom Wallmart Austria Long-Term Care policy
Zachery Broussard Australia Community-based care