Petr Wija

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Contact / background / contribution


Petr Wija

Affiliation / organisation

Institute for Social Policy and Research (NGO), policy/data analyst


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Professional role
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Associated countries
Short bio

Petr Wija is policy/ data analyst specialising in long-term care and comparative social policy. He worked at the ministry of labour and social affairs, ministry of health, or institute of health information and statistics and several non-profit organisations (projects on integrated LTC services, strategic urban planning and comparative analysis. In 2007, he completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Social Studies of the University of Ostrava. He cooperated with the Center for the Study of Longevity and Long-Term Care (Charles University) or Diaconia . Since 2017 he works for the Institute for Social Policy and Research.

Research interests

comparative social policy, long-term care, demography


Research projects on COVID and Long-Term Care

policy responses, prevention, mortality, impact on LTC system, workforce etc.

Key publications

Sowa-Kofta, Agnieszka, Wija, Petr. Czech Republic: Emerging policy developments in long-term care (Country Report). CEQUA LTC network, září 2017 [online]

Wija, P.: Is long-term care in the Czech Republic equitable, available, and efficient? Major developments and challenges for long-term care in the Czech Republic (2nd September, 2014, London School of Economics – presentation, ILPN conference on long-term care)

LTCCovid contributions

LTCCovid contributions – to be added…