6th and 7th December 2021
This page contains all the videos and slides of the presentations given at the workshop for which the authors have given permission to share
Welcome and overview of International experiences (LTCcovid and OECD)
6th December, 9 to 10am
Welcome by Jose-Luis Fernandez (Director, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE) and Trevor Palmer, member of the Social Care Covid Recovery and Resilience project’s Public Involvement and Engagement Group
Overview of the OECD report on: Impact of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care (LTC), policy responses and challenges, Paola Sillitti (OECD)
Introduction to the LTCcovid International Living Report on COVID-19 and Long-Term Care Systems, Adelina Comas-Herrera (Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE)
Video covering the interventions by Jose-Luis Fernandez, Trevor Palmer, Paola Sillitti and Adelina Comas-Herrera
Overview of country experiences (Part 1)
6th December, 10 to 11.40
Speakers and slides:
Austria: Kai Leichsenring (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research)
Czech Republic: Petr Wija (Institute for Social Policy and Research)
England: Nina Hemmings (Nuffield Trust)
France: Camille Oung (Nuffield Trust)
Iceland: Þórdís Hulda Tómasdóttir and Ólafur Samúelsson, EIR
Italy: Eleonora Perobelli (Bocconi School of Management)
Malaysia: Maw-Pin Tan
Malta: Maria Aurora Fenech (University of Malta)
Poland: Joanna Marczak (LSE)
Video of the presentations by Kai Leichsenring, Petr Wija, Nina Hemmings, Camille Oung, Þórdís Hulda Tómasdóttir and Ólafur Samúelsson, Eleonora Perobelli, Maw-Pin Tan, Maria Aurora Fenech, Joanna Marczak
Overview of country experiences (Part 2)
7th December, 14.10 to 15.00
Canada: Janice O’Keefe
Germany: Thomas Fischer
Israel: Sharona Tsadok-Rosenbluth
Mexico: Mariana Lopez-Ortega
Norway: Frode Fadnes Jacobsen
Video of the presentations by Janice O’Keefe, Thomas Fischer, Sharona Tsadok-Rosenbluth, Mariana Lopez-Ortega and Frode Fadnes Jacobsen:
Looking to the future
Towards better long-term care systems
6th December 13.00 to 13.45
Towards a brighter future for care: Anna Severwright, Co-convener Social Care Future
You can’t always get what you want: can European care systems respond to the expectations and preferences of their citizens? Stefania Ilinca (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research)
Video of the presentations by Anna Severwright and Stefania Ilinca:
International initiatives to strengthen Long-Term Care Systems
6th December, 14:00 to 15:30
The World Health Organization’s Framework for countries to achieve an integrated continuum of Long-Term Care, Hyobum Jang (World Health Organization, Ageing and Health Unit)
Video of the presentation by Hyobum Jang
Civil society and social participation, Caitlin Littleton (HelpAge International)
Video of the presentation by Caitlin Littleton
Strengthening integrated Long-Term Care service delivery in the European region, Satish Mishra and Stefania Ilinca (World Health Organization, Regional Office Europe)
Video of the presentation by Satish Mishra and Stefania Ilinca
Long-Term Care Policy Network in Latin America and the Caribbean (RedCUIDAR+), Pablo Ibarraran (Interamerican Development Bank)
Video of the presentation by Pablo Ibarraran:
Engagement in Long-Term Care by the Asian Development Bank, Wendy Walker (Asian Development Bank)
Video of the presentation by Wendy Walker:
Fostering a stronger long-term care sector: the role of public bodies? Ana Llena-Nozal (OECD)
Video of the presentation by Ana Llena-Nozal
Research evidence
Experiences of implementing COVID-19 related measures in care homes: impact on workforce and providers
6th December, 11.50 to 13.00
Video of the presentation by Kathleen Lane:
Video of the presentation by Manuela Hoedl:
Video of the presentation by Diane Bunn:
David Rowland: Assessing the Financial Impact of COVID 19 on the UK Care Home Sector
Video of the presentation by David Rowland:
Panel: Local government strategies to address COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities: examples from Mexico, Brazil and South Africa
6th December, 15.30 to 16.00
Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, University of East Anglia, UK
Veronica Montes de Oca, National University Autonomous of Mexico
Gabrielle Kelly, Samson Institute for Ageing Research, South Africa
Mônica Frank, Centro de Referência Estadual de Atenção á Saúde do Idoso, Brazil
Video of the presentations by Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, Veronica Montes de Oca, Grabielle Kelly and Monica Frank
16.15 to 16.45: Care home visiting policies
6th December, 16.15 to 16.45
Kate Meacock (Rights for Residents, UK): a personal experience
Ramona Backhaus: The impact of COVID-19 vaccinations in Dutch nursing homes: Back to normal?
Video of the personal testimony by Kate Meacock, presentations by Janice Keefe and Judith Urlings (standing for Ramona Backhaus)
Panel: Risk Recognition Policies for the Long-Term Care Workforce During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic, A Multi-Country Study
6th December, 16.45 to 17.15
Amy Hsu, PhD (Moderator): Bruyère Research Institute
Sara Allin, PhD (Moderator): Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto
Maude Laberge, PhD (Panellist): Université Laval – COVID-19 Hazard Pay and Retention Policies in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Case Study of Quebec, Canada
Shereen Hussein, PhD (Panellist): London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Maya Murmann, MSc (Panellist): Bruyère Research Institute
Anna C. Reed, MSW (Panellist): Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto
Video of the panel on risk recognition policies for the LTC workforce:
Panel: The experience of people with intellectual disabilities through the pandemic: findings from the UK and Ireland
Findings from UK and Ireland
6th December 17.15 to 17.45
Video with the presentations by Chris Hatton and Mary MacCarron:
COVID-19 and people with intellectual disabilities
7th December, 12.30 to 12.50
Video of the presentation by Monique Koks-Leensen:
Focus on New Zealand: experiences of care home residents belonging to different ethnic groups
6th December, 17.45 to 19.00
Gary Cheung: Overview of the COVID-19 situation in New Zealand
Doris Zhang: The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on Chinese care homes in New Zealand
Video of the session on New Zealand
Impacts of the pandemic on the Long-Term Care workforce
Part 1: 7th December, 10.00 to 11.00
Video of the presentations by Conan Brady, Ellen Kuhlmann and Eileen Rocard
Part 2: 7th December 15.00 to 15.30
Video of the presentation by Shereen Hussein and Eirini Saloniki
Experiences of people living with dementia, and their care partners, in the community
7th December, 11.00 to 12.20
Video of the presentations by Priya Thomas, Clarissa Giebel, Cheng Shi and Stacey Rand
Surveillance of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities in the EU/EEA
Research evidence on COVID-19 and Long-Term Care during the pandemic, and its use to inform responses
Video of the presentations by Alex Hall, William Byrd and Oscar Brito Fernandes
Rehabilitation and recovery
Video of the presentation by Miriam Haaksma:
Experiences and impacts of implementing COVID-19 related measures in care homes
Video of the presentations by Liat Ayalon, Pau Moreno and Lisa Van Tol