Webinar announcement: COVID-19, vaccinations and immunity in care homes: emerging evidence from Chile, the UK (VIVALDI study) and Canada (C19Immunity Study), 12th July, 2pm GMT

This webinar will provide an overview of emerging evidence on the effectiveness of vaccinations among the care home population and will showcase two studies that are measuring COVID-19 immunity among care home populations in Canada and the UK.

Each speaker will provide an introduction to the situation in their country in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations and care home population, as well as introducing their respective studies.

The webinar will be organised around 3 key questions:

  1. What is the evidence on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines for people living in care homes?
  2. What do we know about the duration of immunity?
  3. What are the implications of what we know so far, and what is the evidence we need in order to address the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19 in care homes?


Jorge Browne (MD, MSc. Servicio Nacional del Adulto Mayor, Universidad Católica de Chile):

Epidemiological status of Long Term Care Facilities with high vaccination coverage and high community transmission: the case of Chile

Amy Hsu (Bruyère Research Institute and University of Ottawa Department of Family Medicine):

Initial findings from the C19 Immunity study: Identification of underlying factors influencing the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 among workers and residents in long-term care homes: a multi-province study https://www.c19immunitystudy.ca

Laura Shallcross (UCL, Institute of Health Informatics, UK):

The Vivaldi study: epidemiology of SARS-CoV2 infection amongst care home residents and staff in England: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/health-informatics/research/vivaldi-study

The webinar will last 90 minutes, with time for discussion in the last 30 minutes. The webinar will be recorded and a video will be shared afterwards.

The video and slides for this webinar are available here:

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