Déborah Oliveira

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Déborah Oliveira

Affiliation / organisation

Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) Interamerican Development Bank

Professional role
Area of expertise
Associated countries
Short bio

I am a Registered Nurse, MSc in Nursing (University of Campinas, Brazil) and PhD in Health Sciences (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom). I currently work as a Consultant at the Social Protection and Health Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (Headquarters, Washington D.C.). I have also been collaborating as Senior Researcher for STRiDE (Strengthening Responses to Dementia in Middle-Income Countries), and as External Adviser and Consultant on Long-Term Care Policy, Dementia, and Health Systems for World Health Organization (Geneva, Switzerland).

Research interests

I am interested in qualitative and quantitative research on two main topics: 1. long-term care for older people, including policy, systems and service development, as well as unpaid care; and 2. stigma related to dementia and ageism and how these the lives of older people and the broader community.

Key publications

All my publications can be accessed here: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-6616-533X

LTCCovid contributions

1. https://ltccovid.org/2020/09/14/updated-report-covid-19-situation-in-brazilian-care-homes-and-actions-taken-to-mitigate-infection-and-reduce-mortality/

2. https://ltccovid.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/COVID-19-Long-term-care-situation-in-Brazil-6-May-2020.pdf