Adelina Comas-Herrera

Researcher working on global ageing, dementia and long-term care

Learning by Experience and Supporting the Care Home Sector during the COVID-19 pandemic: Key lessons learnt, so far, by frontline care home and NHS staff (LESS COVID, UK)

Karen Spilsbury,1,2,3 Reena Devi,1,2 Amrit Daffu-O’Reilly,1 Alys Griffiths,2,4 Kirsty Haunch,1,2   Liz Jones,5 and Julienne Meyer5,6 1University of Leeds, 2NICHE-Leeds, 3Applied Research Collaboration for Yorkshire and… Read More »Learning by Experience and Supporting the Care Home Sector during the COVID-19 pandemic: Key lessons learnt, so far, by frontline care home and NHS staff (LESS COVID, UK)