Supporting end of life care in social care settings during Covid-19 (Social Care Wales)

Supporting end of life care in social care settings during Covid-19 (Social Care Wales)

Social care settings provide end of life care and bereavement support in often difficult environments. Their work is now significantly complicated by the restrictions and challenges Covid-19 presents. Here are resources offering support and practical advice on aspects of providing end of life care and in offering bereavement support. They have been chosen by Social Care Wales with the help of people from across the UK.

This page contains the following resources:

  • Offering comfort to someone who is dying without their relatives or closest friends.
  • Offering compassionate care and effective communication when wearing PPE.
  • Having difficult discussions with someone who is seriously unwell or dying.
  • Offering comfort and delivering bad news to relatives who cannot be with their loved ones.
  • Supporting bereaved children and young people.
  • Recognising when your team is grieving and leading and responding with compassion.
  • Advice on post-death care and funeral arrangements.
  • Social work and end of life care.
  • Expressing end of life wishes, advance care planning and advance care plans.
  • Supporting advance care planning conversations.
  • Supporting end of life wishes for those without capacity.
  • Digital legacy.
  • Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatments (ADRT).

Supporting end of life care in social care settings during Covid-19. Cardiff, Social Care Wales, 2020, online.


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