Strengthening the Health Systems Response to COVID-19. Preventing and managing the COVID-19 pandemic across long-term care services in the WHO European Region (World Health Organization, Europe)

Strengthening the Health Systems Response to COVID-19. Preventing and managing the COVID-19 pandemic across long-term care services in the WHO European Region (World Health Organization, Europe)

The guidance, developed in cooperation with colleagues at the International Long-term care Policy Network and informed by the LTCcovid country reports, will shape the assistance and work that WHO Euro will be doing with Member States in response to the pandemic.

This technical guidance identifies 10 policy objectives for decision-makers, policy-makers and national or regional health authorities as they strive to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic in long-term care settings.

While those tasked with making decisions for long-term care systems are often structurally separate from those managing health systems, during the various stages of the COVID-19 pandemic certain objectives should be pursued in cooperation and given equal weight in official guidance, public communication and planning measures. Such cooperation not only would help to strengthen and secure the availability of long-term care services for people receiving these services, but would also help to minimize pressure on health systems during the pandemic.

The focus here is on older people above the age of 65 years who use long-term care services in their homes, day centres or designated facilities (residential homes and nursing homes).

Strengthening the Health Systems Response to COVID-19. Technical guidance #6: Preventing and managing the COVID-19 pandemic across long-term care services in the WHO European Region. Denmark, World Health Organization, 2020, 31 p.


English / Europe / International