Strengthening of guidelines for visits and protection measures in health and social care institutions for elderly people and long-term care units (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

Strengthening of guidelines for visits and protection measures in health and social care institutions for elderly people and long-term care units (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

Due to the deteriorating epidemic situation in many institutions, measures are being taken to protection measures are strengthened in all institutions for the elderly in order to protect the residents without isolating them.

This document updates the existing recommendations on the organisation of visits and protective measures within the EHPADs, other medico-social establishments accommodating elderly people (independent residences…) and long-term care units.

Renforcement des consignes relatives aux visites et aux mesures de protection dans les établissements médico-sociaux accueillant des personnes âgées et les unités de soins de longue-durée (USLD). Paris, Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, 2020, 6 p.


French / Europe / France