Senior-friendly initiatives at the municipal level during the health crisis and confinement by Covid-19 (IMSERSO-Institute for the Elderly and Social Services, Spain)

Senior-friendly initiatives at the municipal level during the health crisis and confinement by Covid-19 (IMSERSO-Institute for the Elderly and Social Services, Spain)

This newsletter explains what Spanish cities within the Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities are doing to adapt their aid to the COVID-19 crisis.

Firstly, it explains the phone calling initiative that has taken place in order to make sure elderly people do not feel lonely and have their basic necessities covered. Secondly, it describes the various services and benefits local authorities are offering, including home care service, provision of groceries, extended telecare services and economic benefits. Thirdly, it gives a quick overview of the online resources local authorities have put in place, as well as the use of social media and apps as communication tools.

In addition, the newsletter explains how various municipal programs and activities have been adapted to the current situation using technology. Finally, it describes the work citizen solidarity networks, volunteer groups, Civil Protection groups and similar entities are doing to help elderly people during this crisis.

Iniciativas amigables con las personas mayores en el ámbito municipal durante la crisis sanitaria y confinamiento por Covid-19. Newsletter de la Red de Ciudades y Comunidades Amigables con las Personas Mayores, nº33. Madrid, IMSERSO, 2020, 14 p.


Spanish / Europe / Spain