The aim of this document is to facilitate the early detection of frailty and the approach to it in the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic situation by adapting the recommendations of the “Consensus document on the prevention of frailty and falls in the elderly” to the current situation, highlighting screening in Primary Care as a key element of the intervention from which the rest of the actions will derive. In addition, in view of the special conditions derived from health care during the pandemic, the aim is to facilitate alternatives when face-to-face care is not possible, reinforcing support in community resources with subsequent referral to the health system.
The scope of these recommendations is broad, including the entire healthcare system, the social and healthcare system, the residential system and the community environment.
Grupo de Trabajo de Prevención de la Fragilidad y Caídas de la Estrategia de Promoción de la Salud y Prevención en el Sistema Nacional de Salud, Recomendaciones para el abordaje de la fragilidad en situación de crisis sanitaria generada por la Covid-19. Madrid, Ministerio de Sanidad, 2021, 36 p.
Spanish / Europe / Spain