Protocol of recommendations for the prevention and care of Covid-19 in residential facilities for adults with disabilities, Phase 4 (Ministry of Social Development and Family, Chile)

Protocol of recommendations for the prevention and care of Covid-19 in residential facilities for adults with disabilities, Phase 4 (Ministry of Social Development and Family, Chile)

The aim of this document is to provide guidelines for actions to be taken by residencial settings for adults with disabilities in the context of the entry into force of pandemic phase 4 of Covid-19. The protocol provides general information about Covid-19, as well as prevention and protection recommendations for both users and staff.

Protocolo de recomendaciones para la prevención y atención del Covid-19 en residenciales para adultos con discapacidad, Fase 4. Santiago, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia, 2020, 16 p.


Spanish / South America / Chile