Plan to combat the Covid-19 epidemic in health and social care establishments attending people at risk of the severe form of Covid- 19 (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

Plan to combat the Covid-19 epidemic in health and social care establishments attending people at risk of the severe form of Covid- 19 (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

National protection measures are strengthened in all medical and social care institutions housing people at risk of severe forms of Covid-19, particularly the elderly, and in long-term care units, regardless of the epidemic situation in their territory. This document brings together the national recommendations.

Plan de lutte contre l’épidemie de Covid-19 dans les établissements médico-sociaux hébergeant des personnes à risque de forme grave de Covid-19. Paris, Ministère des Solidarités et Santé, 2020, 12 p.


French / Europe / France