The guide is aimed at all social and health officials who work in long-term care facilities in Chile, especially those who are in direct contact with the elderly. Its objective is to complement the tools necessary to strengthen the quality of life and death of residents, through respectful and sensitive accompaniment in their last days of life, and always keeping in mind that dignity at the end of life must be respected by all means.
The recommendations focus on these subjects:
- Accepting irreversibility and limitation that death imposes on us
- Taking care of us humanly requires a look at “the person”
- Supporting physical and/or medical needs
- Supporting emotional, spiritual and relational needs
- Supporting ethical needs
Guía para un acompañamiento respetuoso y sensible en los últimos días de vida de una persona mayor residente de un ELEAM en tiempos de Covid-19. Santiago, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (SENAMA), 2020, 8 p.
Spanish / South America / Chile