COVID-19: Our Action Plan for Adult Social Care (Department of Health & Social Care, UK)

COVID-19: Our Action Plan for Adult Social Care (Department of Health & Social Care, UK)

This document details the action plan for adult social care designed by the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care in the face of COVID-19.

Firstly, it gives guidelines on controlling the spread of infection in care settings, explaining how to keep care settings safe, PPE, outbreaks and discharge from the NHS to social care settings. Secondly, it explains how to best support the workforce. For this, it describes how to ensure there is enough staff, how to support their security and wellbeing, how to use technology to support social care and quality of life, and offers appreciation for social care staff. Thirdly, it illustrates how to support independence, people at the end of their lives and those with individual needs. Finally, it explains how to support local authorities and the providers of care. For this, it mentions the new social care funding plan, collaboration across services, local and national oversight, emergency monitoring, explains the various monitoring tools that have been put in place and describes how to prioritise duties and needs using CARE’s Ethical Framework.

COVID-19: Our Action Plan for Adult Social Care. London, Department of Health & Social Care, 2020, 34 p.


English / Europe / United Kingdom