This guidance is to support those working in Social, Community and Residential Care settings to give advice to their staff and users of their services about COVID-19. Social, community and residential care settings is taken to include:
- Community based settings for people with mental health needs
- Community based settings for people with a learning disability
- Community based settings for people who misuse substances
- Supported accommodation settings
- Rehabilitation services
- Residential children’s homes
- Stand alone residential respite for adults (settings not registered as care homes)
- Stand alone residential respite/short breaks services for children
- Sheltered housing
- Hospice settings
- Prison and detention settings
- The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport and the Minister for Children and Young People have confirmed in a letter dated 23 September 2020 that dedicated stand alone residential respite facilities for children (including those registered as care homes) should now follow the guidance set out in this document and do not need to follow COVID-19 Guidance and Information for Care Home Settings. All other registered care homes for adults and older people should continue to follow COVID-19 Guidance and Information for Care Home Settings which includes guidance on testing in care homes.
- The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport has confirmed in a letter dated 12 October 2020 that stand-alone residential respite facilities for adults (settings registered as care homes) should continue to follow the COVID-19 Guidance and Information for Care Home Settings, with particular arrangements for respite admissions to these settings as described in the 23 September letter and reflected in the Scottish Government guidance 6 on Implementing the staged approach to enhancing wellbeing activities and visits in care homes, including communal living.
- For domiciliary care, please see separate COVID-19: Guidance for Domiciliary Care.
COVID-19: Information and guidance for social, community and residential care settings (excluding adult and older people care home settings) Version 1.7 (31st December 2020). Glasgow, Health Protection Scotland, 2020, 43 p.
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