Covid-19 End of life of persons supported by a social or health care establishment or service. Rapid method of development in the framework of Covid-19 (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

Covid-19 End of life of persons supported by a social or health care establishment or service. Rapid method of development in the framework of Covid-19 (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

This document was updated in December 2020 and January 2021. These updates are based on changes in the regulations, in particular with regard to the care of the bodies of deceased persons suffering or likely to suffer from Covid-19 at the time of their death; in particular, the presentation of the body of the deceased to the family and close friends as well as the mortuary toilet are once again authorised, under certain conditions.

The aim is to guide the professional action to allow the maximum respect of the wishes related to the end of life and a most human accompaniment possible of the person and the close relations.

Haute Autorité de Santé, Covid-19 Fin de vie des personnes accompagnées par un établissement ou service social ou médicosocial. Méthode rapide d’élaboration. Paris, Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, 2021, 20 p.


French / Europe / France