Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult care homes visiting guidance (Scottish Government)

Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult care homes visiting guidance (Scottish Government)

The underpinning aim of the guidance is to balance the risk associated with more people coming into the care homes alongside the potential harm associated with the loss of contact with family and friends. The guidance considers how visiting indoors may be re-introduced whilst minimising the risks to residents, staff and visitors. It has been reviewed in conjunction with Health Protection Scotland / Public Health Scotland and aligns with policies and recommendations in terms of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC).

From the 10 August 2020 visiting outdoors can now be extended to up to 3 visitors from 2 households with all precautions remaining in place. Prior to the introduction of internal visiting, families and loved ones may also continue to visit residents in any care home who are bed bound or not fit to go outside at a window. This will need to be scheduled to ensure that risks form increased footfall are mitigated and residents can be supported.

The development of this guidance has been undertaken with the following principles in mind:

  • At all times a person-centred approach must be taken.
  • Resident, staff and visitor safety is crucial.
  • An evidence-based approach requires to be used for both national and local implementation of visiting practice.
  • A staged approach to the reintroduction of visiting will be adopted as per table below; progression will be as fast as possible while fully taking into account the risks at key stages.
  • Flexibility will be required; for example in the event of a case of COVID-19 in a care home and/or evidence of community hotspots or outbreaks, care homes may need to rapidly impose visiting restrictions. Local Health Protection Teams will guide and advise on this.
  • A clear national policy for the testing of care home staff and residents.
  • Monitoring of safety within the care home during the pandemic by the use and reporting of key indicators as contained in the safety huddle template.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult care homes visiting guidance. Edinburgh, Scottish Government, 2020.


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