Action guides and recommendations for older people, caregivers and family members, in the context of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 (Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030)

Action guides and recommendations for older people, caregivers and family members, in the context of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 (Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030)

This website compiles a few guides for older people, their family and their carers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. These guides are part of a wider initiative by the Spanish Health Ministry, and IMSERSO has listed the ones that are oriented towards older people.

Guías de actuación y recomendaciones para personas mayores, cuidadores y familiares, ante la crisis sanitaria provocada por el COVID-19. Madrid, Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030, 2020, online.


Spanish / Europe / Spain