
Additional Covid-19 guidance for caregivers of people living with dementia in community settings (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

Additional Covid-19 guidance for caregivers of people living with dementia in community settings (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

This website provides with guidance for people who care for someone living with dementia, so as they can protect themselves and others during the COVID-19 pandemic and what additional steps they can take to protect their loved one. It provides information about the following topics:

  • When do they need to seek medical attention for their loved one
  • What to do if their loved one needs to be hospitalized for COVID-19
  • What to do If they get sick
  • Be aware of the symptoms for Covid-19
  • How to take care of themselves

Additional Covid-19 guidance for caregivers of people living with dementia in community settings. Atlanta, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020, online.


Advice for people with dementia and their families, regarding the coronavirus (Dementia UK)

Advice for people with dementia and their families, regarding the coronavirus (Dementia UK)

Dementia UK is a charity that provides specialist dementia support for families through their Admiral Nurse service. They have a helpline (phone and through email) and have some advice on how to cope with self-isolation or quarantine and issues that arise when people do not live with the persons they care for. They have produced a collection of very helpful resources for people living with dementia under lockdown

Advice for people with dementia and their families, regarding the coronavirus. London, Dementia UK, 2020, online.


Advice for relatives and carers of people with dementia (Spanish Society of Neurology)

Advice for relatives and carers of people with dementia (Spanish Society of Neurology)

This document compiles a series of recommendations for caregivers of people with dementia. It provides information on how to protect oneself from infection, specific advice for carers in the home and in assisted living, as well as for the confinement situation.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): consejos para cuidadores de demencia. Barcelona, Sociedad Española de Neurología, 2020, 6 p.


Advice for those living with an older family member to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission (Alzheimer’s Indonesia)

Advice for those living with an older family member to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission (Alzheimer’s Indonesia)

Alzheimer’s Indonesia is an NGO working to improve quality of life of people with dementia and their carers in Indonesia. The organisation’s website has published advice for those living with an older family member to reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission. (In Bahasa Indonesia)

Tips mencegah penularan Covid-19 bila Anda tinggal serumah dengan Iansia (Tips to prevent transmission of Covid-19 if you live with the elderly). Jakarta, Alzheimer’s Indonesia, 2020, online.


Alzheimer’s Disease International resources on dementia during COVD-19 (Alzheimer's Disease International, UK)

Alzheimer’s Disease International resources on dementia during COVD-19 (Alzheimer's Disease International, UK)

This website offers links to news, resources, stories, advice and support for people with dementia and their carers in the context of COVID-19. It also has country-specific information for over 100 countries, in various languages.

Alzheimer’s Disease International resources on dementia during COVD-19. London, Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2020, online.


Brief guidance for dementia and cognitive impairment during COVID-19 (British Geriatrics Society)

Brief guidance for dementia and cognitive impairment during COVID-19 (British Geriatrics Society)

This website is brief guide on COVID-19 and how it affects people living with dementia and/or cognitive impairment and their carers. It lists some key factors about the intersection of said issues, as well as ways of offering specific support.

Brief guidance for dementia and cognitive impairment during COVID-19. London, British Geriatrics Society, 2020, online.


Coming into Hospital: Coronavirus. A Guide for people with dementia, families and carers (Alzheimer Scotland)

Coming into Hospital: Coronavirus. A Guide for people with dementia, families and carers (Alzheimer Scotland)

This guide offers information on hospital admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic for people with dementia, as well as their family and carers.

Firstly, it explains the need for social distancing and isolation, and lists ways hospital staff can support people with dementia during this time. Secondly, it outlines hospital visiting restrictions (namely, it explains the current advice, which is to only allow one visitor if it is deemed essential) and offers alternatives to in-person communication. Thirdly, lists what things should be packed in advance for a potential unplanned hospital visit. In addition, explains why Personal Protective Equipment is necessary for staff and patients, gives reasons why it might be distressing for people with dementia, and offers measures to reduce said patient anxieties. Finally, it defines the team of staff who will be taking care of the person with dementia.

Coming into Hospital: Coronavirus. A Guide for people with dementia, families and carers. Edinburgh, Alzheimer Scotland, 2020, 5 p.


Confinement advice for people with dementia (Pasqual Maragall Foundation, Spain)

Confinement advice for people with dementia (Pasqual Maragall Foundation, Spain)

The Pasqual Maragall Foundation blog offers advice for people who live with dementia and their relatives or caregivers during confinement due to the COVID-19.

Consejos confinamiento personas con demencia. Barcelona, Fundación Pasqual Maragall, 2020, online.


Coronavirus (Covid-19): Tips for Dementia Caregivers (Alzheimer's Association, USA)

Coronavirus (Covid-19): Tips for Dementia Caregivers (Alzheimer's Association, USA)

The American Alzheimer’s Association has produced information for caregivers of people with dementia during the pandemic. The resourde contains tips to support people with dementia whether they live at home or in a residential facility home.

Coronavirus (Covid-19): Tips for Dementia Caregivers. Chicago, Alzheimer’s Association, 2020, online.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for dementia caregivers in long-term or community-based settings (Alzheimer's Association, USA)

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for dementia caregivers in long-term or community-based settings (Alzheimer's Association, USA)

This document gives tips for Dementia Caregivers in Long-Term or Community-Based Settings in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. It gives advice on preventing illness, providing person-centered care, keeping them connected to friends and family, assistance with eating and drinking, walking and unsafe wandering and dementia-related behaviours. There are also links to other COVID-19 resources and related associations.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for dementia caregivers in long-term or community-based settings. Chicago, Alzheimer’s Association, 2020, online.


Covid-19 FAQs for practitioners (version 22, 29th January 2021). Advice notes (Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland)

Covid-19 FAQs for practitioners (version 22, 29th January 2021). Advice notes (Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland)

The Mental Welfare Commission has produced this advice note on mental health care and treatment related to Covid-19 for practitioners who are using the Mental Health Act and Adults with Incapacity Act when caring for patients.

The current pandemic is raising many questions, as practitioners face new challenges and dilemmas in a rapidly changing environment. The unprecedented circumstances and the risk to health mean that some individuals’ human rights may be restricted, and it is important that any restriction is carefully considered, legal and ethical. This advice addresses a range of issues.

Covid-19 FAQs for practitioners (version 22, 29th January 2021). Advice notes. Edinburgh, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, 2021, 55 p.


COVID-19: Tips for people living with dementia (Dementia Australia)

COVID-19: Tips for people living with dementia (Dementia Australia)

Dementia Australia, registered non-profit charity and a member of Alzheimer’s Disease International, shares COVID-19 related tips for people living with dementia. These tips include practicing proper hygiene, being mindful of COVID-19, having a supporting network. There are also ideas for ways how to spend time in self-isolation.

The website includes help sheets with Tips for Carers, Families and Friends of People Living with Dementia, Residential aged care providers, Home care providers and for People Living with Dementia.


COVID-19: Tips for people living with dementia. Canberra, Dementia Australia, 2020, 4 p.


Dementia care during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (Care Inspectorate, UK)

Dementia care during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (Care Inspectorate, UK)

The Care Inspectorate have published this resource for care services to support them when caring for people living with dementia. It provides with many information and useful links concerning those topics:

  • Hand hygiene
  • Shielding
  • Isolation
  • Social distancing
  • Testing
  • Considerations for communicating when wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Visiting restrictions
  • Keeping families and residents in touch with each other when visiting is restricted
  • The use of psychoactive medication as part of seclusion or isolation

Dementia care during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Dundee, Care Inspectorate, 2020, 11 p.


Dementia in care homes and COVID-19. Supporting residents, supporting carers, supporting homes (Social Care Institute for Excellence, UK)

Dementia in care homes and COVID-19. Supporting residents, supporting carers, supporting homes (Social Care Institute for Excellence, UK)

This quick guide from the Social Care Insitute of Excellence will be useful for carers in care homes supporting residents living with dementia during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It will discuss four clinical situations that may help to illustrate some challenges. These include: – Understanding signs of COVID-19 – Helping residents with confusion – Managing behavioural challenges – Supporting residents with end-of-life care

Dementia in care homes and COVID-19. Supporting residents, supporting carers, supporting homes. London, Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2020, online.


Guidance on home quarantine and caring for older people with dementia in Covid-19 pandemic (Alzheimer's Indonesia)

Guidance on home quarantine and caring for older people with dementia in Covid-19 pandemic (Alzheimer's Indonesia)

Alzheimer’s Indonesia publishes this guide as an aid in the physical and mental care of elderly people with dementia and their caregivers who have to carry out confinement due to Covid19.

Guidance on home quarantine and caring for older people with dementia in Covid-19 pandemic. Jakarta, Alzheimer’s Indonesia, 2021, 31 p.


Guidance on home quarantine and caring for older people with dementia in Covid-19 pandemic (Alzheimer's Indonesia)

Guidance on home quarantine and caring for older people with dementia in Covid-19 pandemic (Alzheimer's Indonesia)

Alzheimer’s Indonesia publishes this video as an aid in the physical and mental care of elderly people with dementia and their caregivers who have to carry out confinement due to Covid19.

Guidance on home quarantine and caring for older people with dementia in Covid-19 pandemic. Jakarta, Alzheimer’s Indonesia, 2021, online.



How China has addressed the specific challenges of people living with dementia during the COVID-19 outbreak (Alzheimer’s Disease International, UK)

How China has addressed the specific challenges of people living with dementia during the COVID-19 outbreak (Alzheimer’s Disease International, UK)

A video from Professor Huali Wang, Executive Vice President of Alzheimer’s Disease International’s member association in China, Alzheimer’s Disease Chinese (ADC), explaining how China has addressed the specific challenges of people living with dementia during the COVID-19 outbreak. It provides advice based on local experience and may help Alzheimer’s and dementia associations globally, as well as health and care professionals, people affected by dementia and their carers.

Covid-19: Sharing experience and advice from ADI’s member association in China. London, Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2020, online.


Information on Coronavirus for people living with dementia and carers (Alzheimer’s Society, UK)

Information on Coronavirus for people living with dementia and carers (Alzheimer’s Society, UK)

The Alzheimer’s Society (UK) has created this website aimed at providing advice and practical tips about the Coronavirus to people living with dementia and carers, including information about what is coronavirus, how it spreads, what are the symptoms and sources of support. They update this information regularly, including details about how Alzheimer’s Society can help. This will provide support for people living with dementia and those supporting them – either in the same household or from a distance.

Information on Coronavirus for people living with dementia and carers. London, Alzheimer’s Society, 2020, online.


Interim guidance on supporting people with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic (Italian National Institute of Health))

Interim guidance on supporting people with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic (Italian National Institute of Health))

This report emphasizes that people with dementia must be appropriately supported and protected, highlighting the fact that a high proportion of deaths from COVID-19 occurred in this group. Suggestions and recommendations are provided on how to adapt health and care activities to ensure the safety of people with dementia, including the use of telemedicine, measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 whilst delivering care in the home setting, and how best to adapt residential services whilst maintaining continuity of care. The report also outlines how clinical processes relating to COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment can be adapted for people with dementia, such as COVID-19 testing procedures and hospital care.

Indicazioni ad interim per un appropriato sostegno alle persone con demenza nell’attuale scenario della pandemia di COVID-19. Versione del 23 ottobre 2020. Roma, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 2020, 68 p.

Online activities for individuals living with dementia (Alzheimer’s Society, UK)

Online activities for individuals living with dementia (Alzheimer’s Society, UK)

Alzheimer’s Society is a charitable organisation in the UK providing resources for people living with dementia and their carers. Here you will find links and video examples of helpful ways to incorporate technology to provide engaging activity for individuals living with dementia.

Online activities for individuals living with dementia. London, Alzheimer’s Society, 2020, online.


Practical recommendations for ethical and clinical decision-making in the residential environment in the context of the Covid-19 crisis (UVic-UCC University, Spain)

Practical recommendations for ethical and clinical decision-making in the residential environment in the context of the Covid-19 crisis (UVic-UCC University, Spain)

This document is a tool aimed at helping residential centre staff make ethical clinical decisions. It is a table that asks questions and offers suggestions for the patient themselves, their family, the care team and other resources. There is also specific support for patients with dementia, and some information on ensuring the emotional wellbeing of the staff and involved in the decision-making.

Recomanacions pràctiques per a la presa de decisions ètiques i clíniques en l’entorn residencial en context de la crisi de covid-19. Vic, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, 2020, 4 p.


Professional resources for social and health care during the COVID-19 pandemic (Matia Foundation, Spain)

Professional resources for social and health care during the COVID-19 pandemic (Matia Foundation, Spain)

This website compiles a wide variety of resources on COVID-19 and older people, mostly aimed towards carers, both informal and professional. There is a list of technical documentation, a series of videos on PPE, a number of infographics and finally some useful links.

Recursos profesionales para la atencion sociosanitaria durante la pandemia COVID-19. Donostia-San Sebastián, Matia Fundazioa, 2020, online.


Recommendations for addressing frailty in a health crisis situation generated by Covid-19 (Ministry of Health, Spain)

Recommendations for addressing frailty in a health crisis situation generated by Covid-19 (Ministry of Health, Spain)

The aim of this document is to facilitate the early detection of frailty and the approach to it in the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic situation by adapting the recommendations of the “Consensus document on the prevention of frailty and falls in the elderly” to the current situation, highlighting screening in Primary Care as a key element of the intervention from which the rest of the actions will derive. In addition, in view of the special conditions derived from health care during the pandemic, the aim is to facilitate alternatives when face-to-face care is not possible, reinforcing support in community resources with subsequent referral to the health system.

The scope of these recommendations is broad, including the entire healthcare system, the social and healthcare system, the residential system and the community environment.

Grupo de Trabajo de Prevención de la Fragilidad y Caídas de la Estrategia de Promoción de la Salud y Prevención en el Sistema Nacional de Salud, Recomendaciones para el abordaje de la fragilidad en situación de crisis sanitaria generada por la Covid-19. Madrid, Ministerio de Sanidad, 2021, 36 p.


Recovery and rehabilitation for people with dementia after having coronavirus (Alzheimer's Society, UK)

Recovery and rehabilitation for people with dementia after having coronavirus (Alzheimer's Society, UK)

A person with dementia who has been in hospital with COVID-19 may need extra support when they leave. This website gives advice on how to support a person with their recovery and rehabilitation.

Recovery and rehabilitation for people with dementia after having coronavirus. Plymouth, Alzheimer’s Society, 2020, online.

Remote Peer Support Network for people living with rare dementia (Rare Dementia Support, UK)

Remote Peer Support Network for people living with rare dementia (Rare Dementia Support, UK)


Rare Dementia Support is a charity based in the UK providing support to six low prevalent types of dementia: primary progressive aphasia, posterior cortical atrophy, behaviour variant frontotemporal dementia, and familial frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

As part of their response to the Covid-19 they have created a remote peer support network to put in touch people living with these low prevalent conditions during the lockdown.

Remote Peer Support Network for people living with rare dementia. London, Rare Dementia Support, 2020, online.


Restoring relationships: The recovery of love, connection and family (Together in Dementia Everyday-TIDE, UK)

Restoring relationships: The recovery of love, connection and family (Together in Dementia Everyday-TIDE, UK)

As the global pandemic took hold families felt a physical and emotional separation from their relatives living in care homes. Care Home Staff and Managers have also experienced a huge range of emotions, loss and change whilst ensuring the safety of the residents they care for.

Tide has created two Recovering Relationships toolkits, one for families and relatives and one for care home staff and managers. These toolkits are for anyone who knows someone living in a care home in Scotland or for anyone who works with care providers in Scotland.

Restoring relationships: The recovery of love, connection and family. Liverpool, Together in Dementia Everyday (TIDE), 2021, online.


Singing for the Brain (Alzheimer's Society, UK)

Singing for the Brain (Alzheimer's Society, UK)

Alzheimer’s Society have an exciting new opportunity for you to deliver your own Singing for the Brain group using tools and resources provided by the Society.

Singing for the Brain uses singing to bring people with dementia together in a stimulating, fun, friendly and safe environment. It’s collaborative and uniting – just as music is itself – bringing people together, improving brain activity, well-being and mood.

Singing for the Brain (SftB) is now being delivered online using Zoom. The sessions continue to be interactive and consist of a range of music, movement and fun activities. Group members can see each other and the SftB facilitator, sharing their enjoyment of the session with each other. The group includes time for peer support and reminiscence activities using Zoom functionality.


Singing for the Brain. Plymouth, Alzheimer’s Society, 2020, online.


Suggestions for family carers supporting people with dementia at home (German Alzheimer's Society)

Suggestions for family carers supporting people with dementia at home (German Alzheimer's Society)

The German Alzheimer Society offers a number of suggestions and links for people supporting a person with dementia at home:

• The website provides a link to recommendations around hygiene provided by the Federal Centre for Health Education.

• The organisation suggests using music as tool to brighten the day and encourage movement. It suggests that simple musical tools, such as a rattle can easily be built out of a cardboard tube and dried lentils.

• The website provides a link to the initiative ‘Ageing in Balance’ provided by the Federal Centre for Health Education, which contains videos of exercises. Many of these can be performed at home.

• The article also points to further ideas that can be found through the app ‘Alzheimer and You – shaping everyday routines creatively’ provided by Alzheimer Society Germany.

Vorschläge für Familienbetreuer, die Menschen mit Demenz zu Hause unterstützen. Berlin-Kreuzberg, Deutsche Alzheimer Gesellschaft, 2020, online.


Support for people living with rare dementia during COVID-19 (Rare Dementia Support, UK)

Support for people living with rare dementia during COVID-19 (Rare Dementia Support, UK)

Rare Dementia Support is a charity based in the UK researching six rare dementias. They have collected information related to dementia and COVID-19 and created helpful tools, including practical tips videos and an emergency kit.

Support for people living with rare dementia during COVID-19. London, Rare Dementia Support, 2020, online.


Support material for people with dementia and their families and carers (University of Chile)

Support material for people with dementia and their families and carers (University of Chile)

Materials to support people with dementia and their carers through COVID19, from Chile. This printable leaflets offer information about prevention, difficulties in understanding the situation, tips to manage changes on daily activities and for behavior disorders, etc.

Material de apoyo a personas con demencia y sus familias y cuidadores. Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Chile, 2020, online.


Support resources on Covid-19 and dementia (Spanish Alzheimer's Confederation)

Support resources on Covid-19 and dementia (Spanish Alzheimer's Confederation)

The Spanish Alzheimer’s Confederation CEAFA has opened a new section on its website where it shares official information on the covid-19 pandemic relevant to people with dementia and their families.

Recursos de apoyo sobre Covid-19 y demencia. Pamplona, Confederación Española de Alzheimer, 2020, online.


Supporting a person with dementia following bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic (Northern Health & Social Care Trust, UK)

Supporting a person with dementia following bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic (Northern Health & Social Care Trust, UK)

This comprehensive guidance produced by Northern Health & Social Care Trust provides advice such as, when and how to break the news of a death, and how to cope if the person doesn’t remember the death of a loved one. This guide will be helpful when sharing the news about the death and offering support.

Supporting a person with dementia following bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Antrim, Northern Health & Social Care Trust, 2020, 9 p.


Supporting older people and people living with dementia during self-isolation (The British Psychological Society, UK)

Supporting older people and people living with dementia during self-isolation (The British Psychological Society, UK)

The British Psychological Society offers practical advice onto how to meet the psychological needs of people living with dementia during self-isolation. This short guide covers aspects such as psychological needs during social-isolation, attachment, identity, occupation or love. It also offers advice on how to help people with memory problems and living with a dementia to understand, remember and follow covid-19 advice.

Supporting older people and people living with dementia during self-isolation. Leicester, The British Psychological Society, 2020, 9 p.


Suspicion or confirmation of Covid-19 in older people. How to preserve the psychosocial wellbeing of our seniors with cognitive problems. Isolate without isolating! (AVIQ-Agency for a Quality Life, Belgium)

Suspicion or confirmation of Covid-19 in older people. How to preserve the psychosocial wellbeing of our seniors with cognitive problems. Isolate without isolating! (AVIQ-Agency for a Quality Life, Belgium)

The epidemic situation forces establishments to activate their internal emergency plans. They sometimes have to confine people with cognitive problems to a room. How can they protect them of a risk of contamination without depriving them of any social contact?

This document provides with recommendations, most of which come from the sector. These practices have been put in place in some institutions to ensure a quality of life for residents with cognitive impairment and isolated during a COVID episode.

Personnes âgées Covid suspectes ou confirmées. Comment préserver le bien être psycho-social de nos aînés présentant des troubles cognitifs – Isoler sans isoler ! – Charleroi, AVIQ-Agence pour une Vie de Qualité, 2020, 11 p.


Tips for carers of people with dementia during COVID-19 pandemic (Red Cross Vienna, Austria)

Tips for carers of people with dementia during COVID-19 pandemic (Red Cross Vienna, Austria)

The Vienna Red Cross website offers some suggestions and links for carers to engage with people with dementia through virtual visits to museums or the opera, to find support through digital carer groups or to learn about how to provide care during the COVID-19 pandemic through participation in an online course. (In German)

Tipps aus der Pflege- und Demenzberatung: Covid-19 und die Betreuung von Menschen mit Demenz. Wien, Rotes Kreuz Wien, 2020, online.


Useful tips on the Covid-19 vaccine for people with dementia (Dementia UK)

Useful tips on the Covid-19 vaccine for people with dementia (Dementia UK)

This leaflet provides practical advice concerning vaccionation of people living with dementia, both for health care professionals and for family members. It includes questions and answers to highlight some of the issues that may be faced when caring for people with dementia.

Useful tips on the Covid-19 vaccine for people with dementia. London, Dementia UK, 2020, 2 p.


Virtual peer support groups for people living with dementia (The Zoomettes, part of the Deep Network. UK)

Virtual peer support groups for people living with dementia (The Zoomettes, part of the Deep Network. UK)

A guide and video on using Zoom for virtual peer support groups, by and for people living with dementia. The guide was developed by the Zoomettes, a virtual peer support group that is part of the Deep Network, a UK wide network of groups of people living with dementia.

Virtual peer support groups for people living with dementia. London, The Zoomettes, 2020, online.