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Protecting environments for the Older people during the pandemic COVID-19 (Spain), Entornos de las personas mayores protectores en situaciones de emergencia sanitaria (COVID-19)

Project status
Dr Vicente Rodríguez and Carmen Pérez de Arenaza
Host institution
Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography (IEGD). Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Team members
Fermina Rojo-Pérez (IEGD, CSIC), Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas (IEGD, CSIC), Joao Forjaz (Institute of Health Carlos III), Carmen Rodríguez-Blázquez (Institute of Health Carlos III), Diego Sanchez-González (National Distance Education University, UNED), Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros (Autonomous Unversity, Madrid), María Angeles Molina-Martínez (Francisco de Vitoria University), Salomé Martín-García (EULEN Servicios Sociosanitarios)
Funding information (if funded)
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). COVID-19 Program (ref. 202010E158 – CSIC-COV19-050), with additional funding provided by the CSIC General Foundation under the program Reporting Science, for results dissemination and communication (ref. FGCCLC?2021?0012)
Project Summary

The project aims at analyzing the situation of the older people living in long-term care centres in the region of Madrid paying attention to the personal conditions, the health situation, the coping and resilient feelings facing the pandemic, the family and social relations, the social isolation and loneliness, the supporting conditions of living environments and their well-being and quality of life. A review of public policy measures regarding care homes will be also carried out. Research strategy consists on a combination of methods, quantitative survey and in-depth interviews. The project wants to give voice to older residents as the main source of information by means of a field work that involves access to residences that meet certain security requirements, respect for people’s dignity and non-invasion of your personal situation. Compliance with these conditions is ensured by the approval of the study in the Bioethics Committee of the Higher Council for Scientific Research.

Outputs / Expected Outputs

When are The Project deadline is the end of 2021, when most scientific outcomes and dissemination and communication should be completed. Some intermediate results are expected to be presented in the meantime

Project website
Project updates will be provided on twitter (@CSICresideCOVID) and through blogs etc.


Care setting
Funding type
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Protecting environments for the Older people during the pandemic COVID-19 (Spain), Entornos de las personas mayores protectores en situaciones de emergencia sanitaria (COVID-19)