Sara Charlesworth

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Sara Charlesworth

Affiliation / organisation

Director Centre for People Organisation & Work RMIT University


Professional role
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Short bio

Sara Charlesworth is a socio-legal scholar focused on gender(in)equality in employment. Her research innovative analyses of employment regulation, pay equity, sex discrimination, work and care and job quality at the labour market, industry and organisational levels. In recent years her work has focused on these issues in the context of paid care work in interantional comparison.

Research interests

gender (inequality) in employment
long term care workforce
home care workers
migrant care workers

Key publications

Charlesworth S (2012) ‘Decent working conditions for care workers? The intersections of employment regulation, the funding market and gender norms’ Australian Journal of Labour Law, 25(2), 107-129.

Charlesworth S (2017) ‘Partial protection? The regulation of home care workers’ working conditions’ in Fenwick C & Gotherm V (eds) Regulating for Equitable and Job-Rich Growth, Edward Elgar UK, pp 125-150.

Howe J, Charlesworth S & Brennan D (2019) ‘Migration Pathways for Frontline Care Workers in Australia and New Zealand: Front Doors, Side Doors, Back Doors and Trapdoors’ University of NSW Law Journal 42(1), 211-241.

Charlesworth S & Heap L (2020) ‘Redressing gendered undervaluation in New Zealand aged care: Institutions, activism and coalitions’ Journal of industrial Relations, 62, 608 – 629.

Charlesworth S & Isherwood L (2021) ‘Migrant aged care workers in Australia: Do they have poorer quality jobs than their locally born counterparts?’ Ageing & Society, 41(12), 2702 – 2722.

LTCCovid contributions

Report by Sara Charlesworth and Lee-Fay-Low, last updated 12 October 2020