Stefania Ilinca

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Stefania Ilinca

Affiliation / organisation

Researcher, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research / Technical advisor on LTC, WHO Europe


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Short bio

I am currently acting as Technical Advisor on long-term care with the WHO European Office. I am a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health and I work as a researcher at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (UN affiliated) in Vienna.
I hold a Phd in Health Economics and have extensive experience working at the interface between policy and research. My work focuses on innovation and service design in long-term care systems and discrimination and inequity in access to health and long-term care.
I am currently leading the InCARE European project on evidence based and participatory approaches to long-term care system and service design.

Research interests

integrated care and innovation in service delivery; equity in health and access to care; gender and socio-economic inequality in care use; care infrastructure; governance and long-term care system reforms

Key publications

Ilinca S., Simmons C., Zonneveld N., Benning K., Comas-Herrera A., Champeix C., Nies H., Leichsenring K. (2021) Social Innovation in long-term care in Europe: Towards a common narrative for change. InCARE Policy Brief No. 1.

Ilinca S. & Suzuki E. (2021) Gender and socio-economic differences in modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia throughout the life course. In: Ferretti, Santuccione Chada & Schumacher (Eds.) Sex and Gender Differences in Alzheimer’s Disease. Elsevier.

Rodrigues, R. & Ilinca S. (2021) How does she do it all? Inequalities in education attainment and reconciliation of employment and caregiving to frail older people among middle-aged Austrian women, Social Policy and Administration

Ilinca S., Di Giorgio L., Salari P & Chuma J. (2020) Socio-economic inequality and inequity in use of health care services in Kenya: Evidence from the fourth Kenya Household Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey, International Journal of Equity in Health
Ilinca S, Rodrigues R, Schmidt A. (2017) Fairness and Eligibility to Long-Term Care: An Analysis of the Factors Driving Inequality and Inequity in the Use of Home Care for Older Europeans. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(10):1224. Available at:

Rodrigues R, Ilinca S, Schmidt AE. (2017) Income-rich and wealth-poor? The impact of measures of socio-economic status in the analysis of the distribution of long-term care use among older people. Health Economics, 27(3), 637-646. Available at: