LTCcovid Country Profile – Printable Version

1.03. Long-term care financing arrangements and coverage

In 2018 LTC expenditure was estimated to represent 2.4% of Gross Domestic Product in Switzerland (source:

Update for: Switzerland   Last updated: February 10th, 2022

2.02. Deaths attributed to COVID-19 among people using long-term care

Data on COVID-19-related mortality among people living in care homes is only available for a few cantons. In the canton of Geneva where these data are published regularly, and as of January 27, 2021, there have been 674 COVID- related deaths, of which 511 (76%) were care home residents, and 110 of people who received domiciliary care. An estimated 46% (310) of all COVID-19 related deaths happened in care homes, suggesting that 39% of all care home residents who died from COVID-19 did so in hospital. There are an estimated 4,125 care home beds in Geneva. Therefore, the number of COVID-19 related deaths in care homes represents 12.4% of this population (Source:

Update for: Switzerland   Last updated: October 27th, 2021

3.07.03. Visiting and unpaid carer policies in care homes

During the first wave some nursing homes and care homes for older people took the radical step of shielding their residents entirely by not letting them see visitors or leave the home. This was strongly condemned by many stakeholders, especially the families of residents, residents themselves, and human rights advocates, who emphasised that people’s health and wellbeing should be regarded holistically and included people’s mental health and social wellbeing.

In Switzerland, canton governments have authority to devise visiting policies in care homes and some have delegated decisions about visiting policies to care homes. The Canton of Berne, for example, has since advised against any blanket bans on visiting. Individuals or groups of residents may be obliged to isolate or quarantine if there is a known infection, although it is always possible for relatives to stay if their relative is dying. Care homes also limit the number of visitors per day or make provisions for families and friends to meet outdoors or in larger spaces to reduce the risk of infection.


Update for: Switzerland   Last updated: September 8th, 2021