LTCcovid Country Profile – Printable Version

3.07.02. Approach to isolation of people with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 infections in care homes

Evidence from a case study on isolation of new admissions in a negative pressure room

A study describes the experience and outcomes of a COVID-19 outbreak in a long-term care facility in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This private long-term nursing centre (LTNC) comprised a 100-bed nursing home and a 6-bed intensive care and cardiovascular unit (ICVU).

On April 9, 2020, a new patient was admitted to the institution for long-term care. They were placed in an isolation room with negative air pressure and managed as a suspected case. On April 14, their test result came back positive. However, following a contact tracing investigation, no patient screened positive in the building. Tracing and screening were continued for more than 2 weeks following the identification of the index case, and yet no additional case has been detected so far (Alawi, 2021).


Alawi, M. M. S. (2021). Successful management of COVID-19 outbreak in a long-term care facility in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Epidemiology, challenges for prevention and adaptive management strategies. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 14(4), 521–526.

Update for: Saudi Arabia   Last updated: January 12th, 2022   Contributors: William Byrd  |