LTCcovid Country Profile – Printable Version

1.03. Long-term care financing arrangements and coverage

Public LTC expenditure in Luxembourg was estimated to represent 1.3% of Gross Domestic Product in 2016 (source: European Commission: The 2018 Ageing Report).

Update for: Luxembourg   Last updated: February 10th, 2022

1.10. Workforce conditions: pay, employment conditions, qualification levels, shortages

In 2018, there were 10.7 FT LTC staff per 100 people aged 65 and over, one of the highest in the EU. Wages in the LTC sector are very attractive, especially for commuters from the neighbouring countries. Provides recruit about 45% of their workforce from outside the country, mostly commuters from France, Belgium, and Germany, even though language barriers can be problematic (source: European Commission: 2021 Long-term care in the EU.

Update for: Luxembourg   Last updated: February 10th, 2022

3.02.03. Measures to support, facilitate and compensate for disruptions to access to care

Measures were taken to ensure the continuity of care in residential care facilities during evenings, weekends, and public holidays (e.g. by establishing an on-call system for general practitioners, and establishing stocks of medications in care homes) (Source:

Update for: Luxembourg   Last updated: September 9th, 2021