Video: What can the English social care sector learn from France to recover from the COVID pandemic and become more resilient?
This is a video recording of the fourth of a series of four webinars reflecting on what England could learn from the experiences of the Long-Term Care (LTC) systems in Japan, France, Denmark and the Netherlands during COVID-19, as part of the Social Care COVID Resilience and Recovery project carried out by Care Policy and Evaluation Centre… Read More »Video: What can the English social care sector learn from France to recover from the COVID pandemic and become more resilient?
Video: What can the English social care sector learn from Japan to recover from the COVID pandemic and become more resilient?
This is a video recording of the second of a series of four webinars reflecting on what England could learn from the experiences of the Long-Term Care (LTC) systems in Japan, France, Denmark and the Netherlands during COVID-19, as part of the Social Care COVID Resilience and Recovery project carried out by Care Policy and Evaluation Centre… Read More »Video: What can the English social care sector learn from Japan to recover from the COVID pandemic and become more resilient?
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