Tivy Barón-Garcia, Jordi Amblàs-Novellas, Juan Carlos Contel Segura, Aina Plaza, Sebastià J Santaeugènia González, Teresa Arechavala, Emili Vela, Anna Vila Rull, Albert Espelt1
Key findings:
- In Catalonia, there were 235,856 confirmed cases of COVID-19 from 1st March 2020 to 25th October 2020. In the first wave, COVID-19 cases were underestimated due to the lack of diagnostic tests.
- The areas with the highest incidence were the Northern Metropolitan Area, Barcelona, and the Southern Metropolitan Area. COVID-19 mainly affected the age groups between 40 and 49 years. The highest mortality occurred at the end of March 2020, with more than 400 deaths daily.
- Between 1st March 2020 and 25th October 2020, 20,486 people who use long-term care became infected with COVID-19. 6,698 of them died.
- To deal with the current epidemiological situation in long-term care system, both Departments of Health, and of Labour, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya developed new Contingency Plans for users and staff of the long-term care system. Several measures were proposed:
- Redistribution of services and staff.
- Involvement of Primary Care professionals working together with professionals from the Department of Health and the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
- Coordination between Intermediate care system and Social Services system.
- Enabling alternative spaces to relocate people with COVID-19 infections.
- Restriction of relatives’ visits at nursing homes.
- Classification of nursing homes according to their isolation capacity. Classification of nursing homes according to whether there were active cases of COVID-19 or not.
- Electronic and digital resources were also incorporated in long-term care systems’ centres.
The full report is available here in English:
And in Catalan:
Tivy Barón-Garcia (Grup de Recerca en Epidemiologia i Salut Pública (GRESP) UManresa, UVicc-UCC, Fundació Univesitària del Bages), Jordi Amblàs-Novellas (Grup de Recerca en Cronicitat de la Catalunya Central (C3RG) Universitat de Vic-UCC), Juan Carlos Contel Segura (Departament Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya), Aina Plaza (Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, Generalitat de Catalunya), Sebastià J Santaeugènia González (Departament Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya), Teresa Arechavala (Grup de Recerca en Epidemiologia i Salut Pública (GRESP) UManresa, UVicc-UCC, Fundació Univesitària del Bages), Emili Vela (Àrea de sistemas d’informació. Servei Català de la Salut. Departament Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya), Anna Vila Rull (Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, Generalitat de Catalunya), Albert Espelt (Grup de Recerca en Epidemiologia i Salut Pública (GRESP) UManresa, UVicc-UCC, Fundació Univesitària del Bages) |