- Researchers at Macquarie University in Australia are keen to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults’ quality of life, social networks and health-seeking behaviours – particularly for those who are living in aged care facilities or those who are receiving home- or community-based aged care services.
- From a public health perspective, it is crucial to find the protective factors that improve quality of life of older adults receiving aged care during the pandemic. However to date, there has been no evaluation of the impact of COVID-19 on quality of life and other important factors in older adults.
- We are currently seeking responses from older adults aged 55 years or more and are living in New South Wales, Australia. Have your say at www.bit.ly/COV19Seniors before 31 July. Respondents will also have an opportunity to win an iPad.
- For further information, please contact Dr Joyce Siette at joyce.siette@mq.edu.au