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Video and slides of the LTCcovid webinar: Keeping connected. Carer experiences of staying in touch with family and friends living in care homes (UK and Canada), 11th October 2021

This webinar brought together three studies on visiting and other restrictions that affected family members (often people who provided regular unpaid care) of people living in care homes. Two of the these studies focus on the perspective and experiences of the relatives, and the other on the care homes experience of implementing family visitation policies in care homes. A blog post reflecting on the webinar is available here.

The video of the webinar is available here:

Presentation 1

Title: Keeping connected: carer experiences of staying in touch with family and friends living in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic?


This exploratory study sought carers’ experiences of staying in touch with relatives and friends living in care homes during the pandemic, when visiting was not possible or permitted. It captured information about good practice as well as challenges, and aimed to inform future practice when carers are unable to visit (e.g. due to distance or ill-health). 90 family members/friends participated via an online survey; participants included those supporting older people, people living with dementia, people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health problems.

Authors: White, C, Wray J, Wolverson E and Whitfield C, FHS, University of Hull (UK)


The full report on this project has now been published and is available here:

Presentation 2

Title: We went from understanding, to disappointment, resentment and often grief all in the space of 6 months. The stories of family carers for care home residents during the pandemic in 2020


This qualitative study engaged with 13 family carers who, prior to the UK lockdown, visited their relative on a regular basis (at least 3 times a month). Through 27 interviews conducted over a 6-month period we share their personal experiences during a period from March 2020 to October 2020. Our aim is to consider best practice for all those working and visiting care homes.

Authors: Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith   Jayne Brown,  Sarah Griffiths and Kay de Vries, De Montford University, UK


Presentation 3

Title: A Canadian Story of Implementing Family Visitation Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Our research partnered with six publicly-funded LTC homes in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to assess implementation of family support visitation programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 100 interviews with family visitors and staff, as well as  facility surveys and document reviews were analysed to identify barriers and enhancers to implementation, and to understand contextual factors that affected the impact of these policies. 

Attributed Authors: Professor Janice M Keefe (Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS), Melissa Andrew(Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia), Stephanie Chamberlain(University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta), Mary Jean Hande (Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS), Tamara Krawchenko (Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS) Grace Warner(Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia), Lori Weeks (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia).

