Site icon Resources to support community and institutional Long-Term Care responses to COVID-19

Video and slides of the LTCcovid webinar on International guidelines and emerging practices for safe visiting at care homes during COVID-19

This webinar, recorded on the 1st of February 2021, explored experiences on safe visiting in care homes during COVID-19 in Australia, the Netherlands, Canada, the UK and USA, and presented evidence-base recommendations to inform care homes and government policies on visiting in care homes during this and future pandemics, building on a recent international report:

YouTube Poster

The slides presented are available here:

Samir Sinha (Canada) presented on “Finding the right balance”, evidence-based guidance for Canadian care homes, the full document is available here

Next LTCcovid webinars:

15th February: Unpaid care during the COVID-19 pandemic

22nd February: COVID-19 and the care homes of the future

8th March: COVID-19 and long-term care in the Nordic countries