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Conference announcement: Transforming Care 2021, June 24-26, online

Time in Care: The Temporality of Care Policy and Practices

Time is a key dimension that structures the social organization of care, care relations and interactions, and care experiences. Time is also inherent to the institutionalization and change of care regimes. As such, the analysis of care policies and practices cannot do without the incorporation of a temporal perspective. Care may take different meanings and forms in “normal” and “disruptive” times as in the case of critical events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following previous editions (2017 and 2019), the Transforming Care Conference series is to be held every two years. Focus is on early child education and care, care for adults with disabilities and long-term care for older people in the same broad perspective, as components of a more general policy field. The Conference Series is now supported by the creation of a Transforming Care Network ( through which scholars can continuously interact and exchange information and research results.

The Transforming Care Conference 2021 will investigate in a global setting: 

•      How policies consider and shape time for care? 

•      How care professionals, caregivers and care receivers perceive time in care relationships? 

•      How the regulation of time influences formal and informal care work? 

•      How time for care is being negotiated within care arrangements? 

•      How care practices and policies change across historical time? 

•      How is care affected in times of emergency and profound crisis? 

We now invite scholars to submit abstract to the conference. The Call for Paper is open from November 15 until Jan 31, 2021.

Five main dimensions of transforming care are addressed in the conference:

•      Changes in the institutional setting of care systems and in care policy

•      The impact and dilemmas of social and policy innovation in care services

•      Changes in care arrangements and informal care practices

•      Transformations affecting formal and informal care work

•      The impact of COVID-19 on care practices and policies.

Confirmed keynote speakers: 

Prof. Margarita Estevez-Ave (Syracuse University, US) and Prof. Peter Moss (University College London, England) 

Important dates 

Nov 15th-Jan 31: Call for Papers 

Feb 28th: Notification about accepted papers 

Mar 1st – June 1st: Registration 

Organized by Prof. Barbara Da Roit, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy 

Prof. Costanzo Ranci, Social Policy Lab, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy 

Prof. Tine Rostgaard, Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, Sweden, and Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, Denmark 

The conference will be conducted online due to the current and expected pandemic situation.