Sara Berloto, Elisabetta Notarnicola, Eleonora Perobelli, Andrea Rotolo (Observatory on Long Term Care, Cergas SDA Bocconi School of Management)
The COVID-19 outbreak in Italian nursing homes is gathering strong attention from experts and the national media, since early evidence seems to show that the actual deaths linked to the virus are much higher than those reported in the official daily bulletins. This document sets out the information currently publicly available about the impact of COVID-19 on people who live and work in nursing homes, with a particular focus on mortality. There is still relatively little information to assess the full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who live and work in care homes. This document will be updated and expanded as new data becomes publicly available. For further information on the impact and management of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italian nursing homes, please refer to our country report.
Key findings:
- The only data available on Covid-19 related deaths are based on a survey from the National Health Institute;
- We currently only have data related to deaths in nursing homes (not in all types of care homes);
- Testing policies are managed by regions: no national overview nor publicly available data on regional testing in nursing homes.