Abstract for the International workshop on COVID-19 and Long-Term Care systems: What have we learnt and what policies do we need to strengthen LTC systems?, 6 and 7th December 2021
Watch the presentation:
Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, University of East Anglia, UK
Veronica Montes de Oca, National University Autonomous of Mexico
Gabrielle Kelly, Samson Institute for Ageing Research, South Africa
Mônica Frank, Centro de Referência Estadual de Atenção á Saúde do Idoso, Brazil
We will report about an ongoing multi-country study about the effects of COVID-19 on LTCFs and the potential role of local government agencies to address this challenge. The project draws on a general conceptual framework (the “CIAT Framework), whose elements include
- Close coordination between different agencies responsible for LTCFs
- Protocols and guidance suited to local contexts.
- Identification and engagement with all LTCFs, including ones not previously registered.
- Systematic, survey and monitoring methods to identify areas of vulnerability and LTCFs at most risk.
- Engagement strategies that are supportive rather than punitive, encouraging cooperation with LTCFs.
- Targeted interventions for the most at-risk facilities.
The project applies this framework to local case studies in Mexico City, South Africa’s West Cape Province and the state of Bahia in Brazil.
Other team members:
Marissa Vivaldo, National University Autonomous of Mexico.
Arturo Arcos Soto, National University Autonomous of Mexico.
Karla Giacomin, International Longevity Centre, Brazil.
Meirelayne Duarte, Salvador University
Monica Frank, Centro de Referência Estadual de Atenção á Saúde do Idoso
Helena Pataro, Centro de Referência Estadual de Atenção á Saúde do Idoso
Leon Geffen, Samson Institute for Ageing Research
Gabrielle Kelly, Samson Institute for Ageing Research
Alice Ashwell, Dementia Connections
Fabiana da Cunha Saddi, University of East Anglia.
For more information:
The Global Platform for the Rapid Generation and Transfer of Knowledge on COVID-19 and older adults in low and middle-income countries. https://corona-older.com/
An emergency strategy for managing COVID-19 in long-term care facilities in low and middle-income countries: the CIAT Framework (Version 3*). https://corona-older.com/2021/07/20/an-emergency-strategy-for-managing-covid-19-in-long-term-care-facilities-in-low-and-middle-income-countries-the-ciat-framework-version-3/