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Updated Care homes strategy for Infection Prevention and Control of COVID-19, based on a clear delineation of risk zones

Eric Fewster, Independent Water & Environmental Manager, UK

This care homes strategy is based around a fundamental understanding of asymptomatic / pre-symptomatic transmission as a major contributor to the spread of COVID-19. Because of that, the authors stress strongly the importance of clear delineation of risk zones throughout the entire building, in order to reduce cross-contamination including from asymptomatic residents to whom ‘normal care’ might otherwise be given. This method of zoning (also known as ‘Traffic Control Bundling or TCB) is known to have greatly reduced infection within health care centres from previous SARS and Ebola outbreaks.

This is a revised version of the document dated 12th December 2020. Main areas updated are:

The full document is available here: