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Resources to support community and institutional Long-Term Care responses to COVID-19

Report: preventing and managing COVID-19 infections in care and nursing homes, examples from Germany

By Klara Lorenz-Dant, CPEC

The high risk of infection to people living in care and nursing homes has been recognised and different bodies across Germany have issued guidance and recommendations. Here we present two examples:

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) monitors infectious and non-communicable diseases in Germany. It also conducts research and advises relevant ministries, especially the Ministry of Health. The RKI is involved in the development of guidelines and norms.

The latest information for prevention and management of COVID-19 in institutional and ambulatory long-term care for older people in Germany from the RKI (as of 23 March 2020) recommends (translated from German):

As mentioned above, rules and regulations can vary between federal regions (Bundesländer). An overview of the different regulations regarding visitors in care and nursing homes by federal region has been provided by BIVA (an organisation that supports the rights and interests of people with care needs) .