Practical guide for action in Covid-19 epidemics in homes for the elderly. Lessons learned during the first wave. Anticipating the next outbreaks (Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine)

Practical guide for action in Covid-19 epidemics in homes for the elderly. Lessons learned during the first wave. Anticipating the next outbreaks (Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine)

This report is a practical guide based on successful experiences during the first wave of the pandemic (exponential transmission and high lethality) in nursing homes supported by Primary Care (PC).

The main objectives of this document and its derived actions are:

  • To understand COVID-19 and its differential presentation in the elderly in a nursing home and epidemic setting.
  • To provide the basic tools/experiences that have been successful in containing and reducing mortality in different outbreaks of COVID-19 in residences between April and June 2020 based on scientific evidence, together with the experience gained.

Based on these objectives, the actions recommended by this guideline are structured as follows:

  1. Pre-epidemic management (preparedness and contingency planning)
  2. Management during the epidemic (mortality reduction and outbreak control).
  3. Post-epidemic management (reducing the risk of post-COVID morbidity and mortality, functional recovery and control of outbreaks).
  4. To provide practical tools based on previous experience to confront a COVID-19 epidemic in a nursing home and reduce mortality.

Monedero, I. et al. Guía práctica de actuación en epidemias de Covid-19 en residencias para personas mayores. Lecciones aprendidas durante la primera oleada. Anticipándonos a los siguientes brotes. Madrid, Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria, 2020, 45 p.


Spanish / Europe / Spain