Employers and directors of establishments or services for elderly and disabled people. Information on how to deal with professionals and the public (families and people welcomed) in the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

Employers and directors of establishments or services for elderly and disabled people. Information on how to deal with professionals and the public (families and people welcomed) in the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France)

This is a guideline for care home staff on handling the COVID-19 epidemic. It touches on the activation and management of emergency plans (plans bleus), prevention and protection measures, identification of COVID-19 cases and finally care and management of said cases. It answers frequently asked questions on these topics.

Employeurs et directeurs d’établissements ou services accueillant des personnes âgées et handicapées. Informations sur la conduite à tenir envers les professionnels et publics (familles et personnes accueillies) en phase épidémique de coronavirus COVID-19. Paris, Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, 2020, 9 p.

French / Europe / France