COVID-19 Guidance on visits to and from community housing units for people with disabilities. V1.0 19.10.2020 (Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Ireland)

COVID-19 Guidance on visits to and from community housing units for people with disabilities. V1.0 19.10.2020 (Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Ireland)

This document provides guidance on visits to long-term care facilities as of October 19, 2020. On September 11th , the Government issued a Five Level Framework – Table of Public Health Restrictive Measures that includes visiting to long term residential care facilities (LTRCF), where community housing units for people with disabilities are included.

The document specifies the visiting policy for these settings:

  • Own-door supported accommodation for individual or couples
  • Community Housing Units

And also gives a number of recommendations on the communication to be provided to residents regarding the visiting policy.

COVID-19 Guidance on visits to and from community housing units for people with disabilities. V1.0 19.10.2020. Dublin, Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020, 8 p.


English / Europe / Ireland