COVID-19 Guidance for older people and others at risk of severe disease on reducing risk of COVID-19 infection. V1.0 11.10.2020 (Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Ireland)

COVID-19 Guidance for older people and others at risk of severe disease on reducing risk of COVID-19 infection. V1.0 11.10.2020 (Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Ireland)

This guide recognises that older people and others at high risk from COVID-19 (extremely medically vulnerable people) have the right to make their own decisions and the responsibility to look after their own health and the health of others. The guide is also written to help family, friends and carers to help people who may need their support in making choices and in doing what they chose to do as safely as is practical. The guide is for people who live in the community and for those who help them if and when they need help.

It gives advice on the following subjects:

  • Making the home safe
  • Precautions to be taken by other members of the household
  • Keeping the risk as low as possible among the household
  • Access for people who do not live in the household
  • Bringing things into the house and keeping the house clean
  • When leaving home
  • Preventing harm from COVID-19

It also includes Appendix I with details on who is at especially high risk and Appendix II with contact details for HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams

COVID-19 Guidance for older people and others at risk of severe disease on reducing risk of COVID-19 infection. Dublin, Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020, 13 p.


English / Europe / Ireland